Before starting ConstantsTechDocSupport I have been active in many different roles learning about the different requirements of people in these roles. I learned to connect the requirements and find information sharing is essential for a smooth operation.

Today I want to support organizations as an information architect to enable smooth information transfer, to enhance the organizations effectivity.

I started with a broad interest in technology as a Master of Physics at the Technical University Eindhoven. My first job was as a marketing reseacher for integrated circuits (ICs), applying the logical thinking in making macro economic models for the IC markets, the IC inventory in the market and the IC production capacity worldwide.

Industrial engineering became my second job where much was learned about logisitics, cost price calculation and development project planning.

The understanding of market movement combined with detailed knowledge of production processes lead to my next job as sales support manager, becoming responsible for technology guidance to customers as well as the specification for products to be built. It is in this job that I started learning about managing product designers and the path for people to change their ways of working from technology driven development to customer requirement driven development and optimizing the technologies already in

From being responsible for specifications with the help of technical authors and illustrators, I later became responsible for setting up a new way of working for NXP semiconductors, changing NXP technical authoring from a central team to a distributed team with central guidance, the technology and the working processes and procedures.